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SMSF New Family Mixer

New Family Mixer Save the Date!

All New SMUSD Families - please join us on Thursday, October 15th from 6:00-8:00 pm for our fourth annual and completely virtual New Family Welcome Reception.

Every year, the San Marino Schools Foundation (SMSF) hosts our New Family Welcome Reception - an event dedicated to ensuring that our New Families have a chance to connect with one another, District administration, PTA representatives, and SMSF Trustees all while getting to learn more about the inner workings of SMUSD and SMSF.

We can't wait to see many of our new families on October 15th!



每年,聖馬力諾學校基金會(SMSF)都會舉辦一場新家庭歡迎會 — 確保我們的新家庭有機會與學區領導、家長教師協會代表和SMSF理事成員建立聯繫,同時進一步了解SMUSD和SMSF的內部運作方式。


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  • Chinese School of San Marino
    Chinese School of San Marino
  • California American Water
    California American Water
  • WHH Foundation
    WHH Foundation
  • Tina Siu